
Mike still broken. It’s been a week. It feels like three. Get better soon! 
Saturday was a busy day! Life time then off to warrenton to visit Jess and Colton! We first went to his baseball game. The boys were so excited to see a “real baseball game.” And Colton didn’t know we were coming so he was super excited. The boys helped themselves to the post game snack too. Idk if they deserved it but there were extra 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really need to get them into sports. How tf am I going to grab Jack from school, get enough energy out of him to do a practice of some sort, take three kids to an hour long practice then come home, eat dinner and then get everyone bathed and to bed on time. But I want then in stuff. Helllllp. 

Hanging in their backyard 

Big girl! 

We stopped by effys, a really popular ice cream spot. Tried to hide it from Quinn but she had a couple licks! 

They are maybe 1/3 of it. I wish they had a kid size!

Hugging her baby 

On Sunday we had Kelsey and her crew and Babcia over for some outdoor play and snacks. Fun was had by all! I even snuck in a little nap 🥱 I teach my heated yoga class Sunday mornings and it always puts me on my Butt and mike is usually working so I don’t usually have the luxury of napping! 

Dance party 

Happy baby! 

These twooooo. Omg. Today when I got Charlie he turned to Quinn and said “Quinn!! I back!” 
Their relationship is really cute 🥰 

Someone let Quinn eat the ash from the grill. 

Ma’am, I was reading you a book! 

Big girl in the tot spot! 


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