
Showing posts from May, 2022

Early birthday celebration

We went to dinner at Gigi and babas on Sunday and Gigi made one of her famous cheesecakes. Jack was gifted a pig and elephant book, a new piggy bank (rip green dinosaur one) and some stilts to walk on! All things a hit! Jack and Charlie put every single piece of jacks money through the top with excitement as it counted the coins. On Memorial Day we were at the pool for 3 hours. See the pattern?  Quinn’s comprehension skills are quite impressive, in my opinion. I’ll ask her to sit down, grab a ball, put Things in a certain container, find her milk, etc. maybe this is normal. Idk it’s all a blur. She says “ba” for ball, says “hiiii,” “bye” and I thiiiiiink she’s saying more like “muh” but that’s yet to be confirmed. Charlie has two more days left of school and boy will I miss the routine for him. He loves it. Jacks last day is the 10th. He’s ready for a break for sure, it’s been an awesome but lonnnnng year. It’s a lot for a 5 year old! He’s been like mooom I’m so tired, I’ve been in...


We went to one of our fave places: cox farms! Their little market is  open but you can roam around for free if you choose (I choose that).  Charlie slipped on the mud  Not pictured: the hour we spent at the pool we joined. The water was cold but the boys didn’t care and neither did Quinn. They have a great baby pool so I followed her around there while the boys jumped in the big pool.  Then we came home and played out front for a while with the sprinkler  And with bubbles 

The week

Pics from jacks teacher  They didn’t come get the bounce house until days later so we got some more fun in  Bubbles on bubbles of fun  Coloring at our neighbors house  The boys wrap their after dinner popsicles in these napkins since they’re sooo cold  I started putting Quinn’s hair up and obvi Charlie wanted in on the action  I was craving cava so I went by before getting Charlie and it was pouring. Quinn realllly wanted to feel the rain  Obvi added the bow  We stopped by Trader Joe’s and the boys grabbed two of their free lollipops. Quinn was pissed she didn’t have one so Charlie was super sweet and shared. She’s got them riiiight where she wants them (the boys).  Pics from Charlie’s teachers  Serious monopoly game on Saturday. We play a lot of monopoly so I ordered life junior to switch things up a bit because a mom can only play so much monopoly ya know?