Early birthday celebration
We went to dinner at Gigi and babas on Sunday and Gigi made one of her famous cheesecakes. Jack was gifted a pig and elephant book, a new piggy bank (rip green dinosaur one) and some stilts to walk on! All things a hit! Jack and Charlie put every single piece of jacks money through the top with excitement as it counted the coins. On Memorial Day we were at the pool for 3 hours. See the pattern? Quinn’s comprehension skills are quite impressive, in my opinion. I’ll ask her to sit down, grab a ball, put Things in a certain container, find her milk, etc. maybe this is normal. Idk it’s all a blur. She says “ba” for ball, says “hiiii,” “bye” and I thiiiiiink she’s saying more like “muh” but that’s yet to be confirmed. Charlie has two more days left of school and boy will I miss the routine for him. He loves it. Jacks last day is the 10th. He’s ready for a break for sure, it’s been an awesome but lonnnnng year. It’s a lot for a 5 year old! He’s been like mooom I’m so tired, I’ve been in...