Early birthday celebration
We went to dinner at Gigi and babas on Sunday and Gigi made one of her famous cheesecakes. Jack was gifted a pig and elephant book, a new piggy bank (rip green dinosaur one) and some stilts to walk on! All things a hit! Jack and Charlie put every single piece of jacks money through the top with excitement as it counted the coins. On Memorial Day we were at the pool for 3 hours. See the pattern?

We hit up the pool Sunday AM and jack did the swim test. I forgot about the fact you have to tread water for 60 seconds but once we explained it well enough he got it. Yay for diving boards! Charlie isn’t far behind him! He can swim across with one break.

Quinn loved it too.

Quinn REALLLLLLLY likes dogs.

Not tired at all after a long day.

Today we got jack out of school early and we had yet another family pool day.

Clean underwear necklaces. She really loves to put things on her head and if I put my sunglasses on her she gets sooooo excited. I’ll try and get a picture of it.
Quinn’s comprehension skills are quite impressive, in my opinion. I’ll ask her to sit down, grab a ball, put
Things in a certain container, find her milk, etc. maybe this is normal. Idk it’s all a blur. She says “ba” for ball, says “hiiii,” “bye” and I thiiiiiink she’s saying more like “muh” but that’s yet to be confirmed. Charlie has two more days left of school and boy will I miss the routine for him. He loves it. Jacks last day is the 10th. He’s ready for a break for sure, it’s been an awesome but lonnnnng year. It’s a lot for a 5 year old! He’s been like mooom I’m so tired, I’ve been in school for 161 days! It’s so much! Yes, yes it is.
Both of the boys have IEPs signed and ready to start speech services as soon as school starts in the fall. My takeaway that absolutely no one asked for: what a long and ridiculously arduous process. assessments and bs jargon no one can understand. In my opinion it’s a waste of resources and these poor teacher’s time. Like here’s a kid that needs speech help, here’s the help. But no, let’s fill out a million pieces of paperwork and give super outdated assessments. K great! I requested services for Charlie back in NOVEMBER. These teachers and speech pathologists need help and it’s heartbreaking.
We hit up the pool Sunday AM and jack did the swim test. I forgot about the fact you have to tread water for 60 seconds but once we explained it well enough he got it. Yay for diving boards! Charlie isn’t far behind him! He can swim across with one break.
Quinn loved it too.
Quinn REALLLLLLLY likes dogs.
Not tired at all after a long day.
Today we got jack out of school early and we had yet another family pool day.
Clean underwear necklaces. She really loves to put things on her head and if I put my sunglasses on her she gets sooooo excited. I’ll try and get a picture of it.
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