Birthday parties

We had two of our bestie’s parties last weekend, Tommy and Colton. And a friend of jacks from schools party too. Last weekend was busyyyy but so fun. We had three very exhausted children 

Earlier in the week we went to hidden oaks nature center and played around with Kels and her crew.

So cute how she just backs herself up on the boys’ laps to hang. 

This is the only pic from Tommy’s party above and below are a couple of pics from Colton’s. Zero from jacks friend Jordan’s party 🤷🏼‍♀️

Charlie fell on the slip and slide 

Cake time!

Proof I’m not the only one triggered by a messy house. This is a poll from a mom group I follow on IG. Quinn is the worst so far taking random shit and putting it in random places. Like why is there a tooth brush from upstairs in the cabinet in the kitchen? I’ll never know. 

Fresh cuts for school 


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