Charlie off to school

We went last Tuesday to meet Charlie’s new teachers. They both seem lovely! Baba watched Quinn so Charlie and I could go alone. When we got back she was passed out on the couch and she stayed there for 1.5 hours! Charlie and I played a million games in the play room. He started last Thursday and just went right in! He goes tues-Friday for 3 hours. 

Dropping off jack Tuesday morning 

These two! Besties. Charlie says “Quinn, you my sweetheart.” It comes out “kin, you my wetard.”

Charlie’s friend paisley is in his class! They get along so great 

Scavenger hunt!  

Love this sweet boy! 

I came
Back and he was sitting reading 

Quinn OUT

Quinn likes to face time people. Failed attempt to see Kiki 

Babcia and grandpa were on their way to Europe. We had the fastest visit on their way to the airport 

Jack: ummmmm ma’am 

First day! 

We got a slack line too for the children to walk across 


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