Christmas in Florida

Ok so we arrived at 7:15 in DC for our 9am flight. Get through security to find our gate changed, then our flight got delayed an hour. Ok fine. But THEN next thing we know it’s delayed until TWO PM. In case math isn’t your strong suit that’s a 5 hour delay. 5 hours. With 5 kids. Somehow we entertained ourselves (thank you Babcia and thank you new cameras). We received food vouchers which was nice but damn. That was rough. Luckily, John and Jenni were already in Florida and in the house so they got food and essentials so when we got to fl (dark and rainy) we walked into a beautiful house with food on the table for everyone. Phew! The first 3 days were perfect. I woke up to Charlie saying “CANNON BALLLLLL” at 7:15 am and jumping into the pool. The boys spent hours and hours swimming and having a blast. They only stopped to eat. The next 3 days were chilly (50s) and rainy. Not ideal but we made the best of it. Babcia and Kelsey came down with a yucky virus so basically they were bed ridden for a couple days. 

Babcia walked Quinn around so she could sleep 

Holiday bingo 

I can’t 


Loved the birds 

Quinn’s first black eye (she picked up
This huge chess piece and whacked herself
In the eye)

Checking out the Christmas lights 

We went to an amazing children’s discovery museum in Fort Lauderdale.

It was marcello and I with 5 kids. So naturally we went to lunch lol 

Moods. Jack was in tears he was so
Hungry. Then his pizza came and it was too hot to eat so he then really started crying. Rough life. 


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