
Showing posts from February, 2023

More nice weather

Quinn was loooooosing it the other day and I knew she was hungry but she wouldn’t eat anything. Cool. Do I made ramen as a Hail Mary and girl devoured it. Then was happy.  Loves to climb all of the unsafe stuff  We were playing a game and whoever is the guesser has to cover their ears while other people discuss. Quinn saw Mike doing it so she did too.  Close.  Angelic  When the pony tail comes out  Birthday party at sky zone. It was really fun  I went to work and left dad in charge  On Monday I went in to help with the 100th day of school celebration in jacks class. The kids all rotated classrooms and we accompanied them. Jacks teacher is phenomenal. And for whatever reason she’s got 30’kids. And no help. What the heck. I’m going to start volunteering more to help Her out. Because talk about a full plate 😳 On our way for school pick with snack in hand  Carrying jacks goody bag from school 

Odds and ends

Quinn kneeled down next to this baby at Lt the other day. Didn’t touch or make a peep, just observed.  As mentioned before. She really likes blankets  The boys and their friend nick. They all have the same odd look on their faces  Handsome boys  Quinn and I went to Charlie’s class to volunteer. Well I helped out and played some educational games with the kids and Quinn walked around. I asked if we could try it out with Quinn coming with and she actually did great. The other girls in the room were ALL about it. So pretty sure we’ll be invited back!  Quinn scratched the heck out of Charlie’s face. Thank god for my awesome neighbors. She did this right as we were about to go get jack and Charlie was crying so hard so I quickly called a neighbor to watch after jack so I could get Charlie cleaned up. Oy. Once he calmed down he was cool about it.  Picture from school.  Mike went to Minnesota last Tuesday-Sunday to spend some time with his parents/sisters/fam...

Charlie is 5!

Our sweet, kind, empathetic Charlie is 5! He’s helpful, loves his family and is super smart. He asked for a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party sooo that’s what we did. He said it was the best day ever. On his actual birthday we got donuts, went to chick fil a with paisley, had a sushi dinner at wegmans, went rock climbing at life time (you have to be 5 so this was a long awaited thing), then had cake! It was a great day.  Refused to take off her pjs. At least they’re cute  This is what she wore to bed the next night. Thank god she let me change her out of her pjs. Because that’s a LOOK.  5 year old jacket from Gigi!