Odds and ends
Quinn kneeled down next to this baby at Lt the other day. Didn’t touch or make a peep, just observed.
As mentioned before. She really likes blankets
The boys and their friend nick. They all have the same odd look on their faces
Handsome boys
Quinn and I went to Charlie’s class to volunteer. Well I helped out and played some educational games with the kids and Quinn walked around. I asked if we could try it out with Quinn coming with and she actually did great. The other girls in the room were ALL about it. So pretty sure we’ll be invited back!
Quinn scratched the heck out of Charlie’s face. Thank god for my awesome neighbors. She did this right as we were about to go get jack and Charlie was crying so hard so I quickly called a neighbor to watch after jack so I could get Charlie cleaned up. Oy. Once he calmed down he was cool about it.
Picture from school.
Mike went to Minnesota last Tuesday-Sunday to spend some time with his parents/sisters/family. I was jealous but I happily (with only a few tears on my end) held down the fort while he was gone. We may have eaten out a lot. I don’t know how single parents do it. Kudos to them! The week was long but at least I knew he’d come back home eventually ya know? The kids missed him. So did I.
The day after he got back I got Lasik!!!!!! Seriously sooooo amazing to SEE! The procedure itself sucked. There’s something about your eyes being messed with that’s quite unnerving. The pain directly after was insane. Felt like what I’d imagine pepper spray would feel like. Right after my procedure mike took me to Kelsey’s (she had Quinn and Charlie), I popped more Xanax, two Tylenol PMs and 4 advil and passed out until Kelsey woke me around 8:30. She drove me home, I drank a glass of water then fell asleep until 5:30am. I haven’t slept that much since before kids and it was awesome. I woke up being able to see, like perfectly. I’m sooooo fortunate for the procedure and having perfect vision!! Boy was I missing out! Below is me right when I woke up the night of.
Next day I took it super easy (lol) and taught two classes. For real though I lifted no more than 3 lbs.
One of the lovely dads after school offered to take a pic of me with Quinn. A rare sighting… Me in pictures that aren’t selfies.
Today is gorgeous out. We ate lunch outside and played with bubbles. These two insisted on having blankets. Whatever floats your boat!
So I don’t forget… Charlie said this last week:
Me: Charlie how did I get so lucky to have such a sweet boy like you?
Charlie: I don’t know. You guys are good parents and you deserve it.
🤯 like the sweetest ever.
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