What’s new

Hugging Harper 

We went to Sarah’s for a valentines celebration. So cute. 

Pizza/popcorn movie night? Who knows 

Babcia was in town a Couple of weeks ago. I had everyone over then we hit the park 

Trying out Mia’s scooter 

Gigi and baba came over for some park time

Pineapple snack 

Park with Kels and Jenny a couple weeks ago. Look at Mia helping Quinn 

Shoes off, like always 

Two Tuesdays ago Quinn woke up and she had throw up all over herself. She spent the day throwing up all over me and herself. I accomplished nothing but offering cuddles and cleaning up vomit. It was a day. Luckily no one else got sick, somehow! 

Sick baby 

Pulling weeds 

After she threw up for the day she ate a HUGE dinner and kept it down 🤷🏼‍♀️


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