Been too long

Three kids is a lot, I’m getting worse and worse about vlogging. Obviously I won’t ever just ever stop but oooops. Quinn turned 2, boys went camping, Charlie had his last day of prekindergarten. And all 3 kids have hand foot and mouth. Took Quinn to her 2 year old check up on Monday, doctor looks in her mouth and reports he thinks she has HFM. I looked inside her mouth so I could identify what they looked like (the sore and red spots on the roof of her mouth) for when the boys inevitably get it. I thought we were good but sure as shit this morning everyone woke up and we ain’t good. It’s pretty contained in everyone’s mouth so we’ll see what the week holds for us. And on Memorial Day weekend. Bummer! 

Dentist appt. Jacks tooth he hurt at the beginning of the pandemic was gray and infected. So the dentist declared it an emergency and we got it pulled two days later. He did amazing 

Reunited after her time with Babcia and grandpa 

My mom bought her underwear 

Our neighbor friends opened the pool!


Grandpa came by for a dinner visit 

Birthday party 

Quinn and Harper 

We gave jacks teacher an eagles headband for teacher appreciation week. She sent a pic with it on and a sweet smiling jack 

Gotta bring all the stuff 

On your mark, get set, go! 

Peeked over and Tyler was loving on quinnie, she sat right in his lap 

Quinn’s first dentist appt. She did great! 

They do an adorable Mother’s Day program at Charlie’s school 


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