Carrying on

Loves all the stuffies 

And babies 

And the pool 

One of Charlie’s friend from school had a party. The day after camping. We didn’t last too long lol 

Girl on a mission 

Mom at work, dad took the babes to the pool 

2 year old check up where her doctor informed us of the HFM situation. 

The next day I went back to the doctor with jack. His ear was huge and was oozing liquid. Doc said it was a bad reaction to a bug bite. I wouldn’t have gone but the oozing liquid got me. 

She pretty much ate ramen for a week and drank milk… 

Miserable, poor thing 

The tv worked overtime with this sick baby. She didn’t want to do anything but lay here 

Charlie is allll done with school! On to kindergarten! 

I moved Quinn’s car seat forward facing. Now she doesn’t scream every time we’re in the car. Deal. 


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