
Showing posts from January, 2024


One more sledding on a Sunday  Helping his brother get up the super slippery hill  First swim practice with our summer team! Sundays 6-7 but really close to home. The boys did great considering it was “late.” Jack walked into the Rec center and was like ummmm I feel funny. I think I’m going to throw up. So I sent him to the bathroom and we walked down to the pool. Charlie jumped right in but I let Jack sit with me for a couple of minutes because his body language was telling me he was just nervous! I gave him 5 mins and then he was ready to go! The consensus: it was a little bit hard but fun! In the car jack said he was in the yellow zone (nervous, unsure, etc) but after practice he was in the green zone (happy, excited, etc). I guess they talk about their feelings at school which was really cute to see in action. Charlie said he was ONLY in the green zone. Good self reflection team. 


We finally got some actual snow! I lucky was prepared and had snow gear ready to go! They absolutely loved the snow, especially sledding! She was pumped about these snow pants  Brazing the cold to sled  Lots of friends showed up  That area behind quinn on the is my constant area of frustration lol. It’s where I put things I need to donate, things we’ve grown out of, clothes to pass on to my pregnant friend. One day it’ll be clear   To the dentist- jack got sealants on his back molars and Charlie got a cavity filled. They both did amazing  Thanks friend for the pop 😳


The day after Christmas Kate/meg and cousins came in town. They slept over one night and all the kiddos ended up in Charlie’s room in sleeping bags and on a blowup mattress.  breakfast the next morning Everyone went to Gigi/babas for a delayed Christmas celebration but I felt like crud so I stayed back. I ended up losing my voice shortly after and felt soooo crummy for the majority of last week. All I wanted/could do was sleep. On the mend now!  New Year’s Eve we went putt putt Golfing then I headed to work  Grandpa came over last week to help me since I didn’t feel well. I slept. Thank youuuuu Organizing laundry. I don’t think she wanted this documented  Forest walk with friends. We ended up walking 2 miles  We went to 5 guys for dinner the other night. Dare I say everyone’s getting older and we can kinda handle going out to dinner? I like bringing them to ciao when it’s not busy to practice how to act in a restaurant. And my friends don’t care if we act a fool...