
Charlie was chosen for being a good citizen and got to have lunch with me in the library and get an award. So sweet, I love their school does this!

We watched our neighbors dog for a couple of days. The kids LOVED it. Quinn kept forgetting the dogs name
And throughout the day if she was referring to him she’d be like “what’s that’s dogs name?” It was adorable 

We went on walks around the neighborhood 

Swim practice 

Charlie turned 6!!!!! Happy birthday sweet boy. Charlie likes soccer, basketball, well really any sport. He’s empathetic, kind, helpful and independent. He is kind to his sister and will tell her he loves her randomly through the day. Quinn gravitates to him and will only want him at times. He is so patient with her. He loves biking, is working on reading and is super smart. We love you angel boy. 

Brought him subway for lunch. Why he loves subway so much I will never know

A car ran into this House down the street from us. There were two people inside. 

Charlie requested Funland so there we went! Nick came too and we had dinner there. Gigi, baba and Kate even joined. It was a perfect day. 

These two cuties out front sitting nicely together 

Babcia and grandpa were in town!! For like a week! It felt like they lived here for a moment. Wishful thinking! We love Babcia and grandpa! 

Had dinner at Kelsey’s with Babcia one night. Just Quinn and I! Remi and Quinn have been getting along so well lately, it’s really cute!

Pics from Babcia. I dropped her off, went to teach, ran errands ALONE and then Babcia came over to centreville with Kels and crew. Girl had a busy day! Notice how she’s letting me do her hair again? 

They were waiting in line for ice cream. Jack served 

We were talking about the house that had a car run into it and Babcia had a similar story and wanted to
Show a pic. Phones= Kid magnet 🙃


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