
Charlie and dad were playing so obvi we had to. Couldn’t tell you who won. 

Another tooth gone! 

Alll the lovies 

Jack watching golf with great grandpa. He always has peanuts around in little bowls so jack of course has to partake. So cute. 

My parents have been in town a lot to keep an eye on my 95 year old grandfather. And to help/spend time with grand babies I assume. The day Gigi passed, without questions I brought all 3 kids to Kelsey and she, Marcello and my parents had them the entire day. Idk I could have parented that day so truly… so grateful for my village. I passed the kids off and they were delivered at bedtime. Tired and ready to sleep. 

Here they are with their great grandpa. They’re all really fascinated with him. 

Camp Babcia! This one went to Babcia for the entire day. Was returned fed and tired. It’s so nice having them in town and even more so now, having my mom around to help is a treat and a blessing I will never take for granted. 

Evening park time! 

More camp babcia 

Another day with Babcia 

Loving on dad 

Allll the things.
Shoes, baby doll in hand 

Mia turned 6! Quinn and I went to her birthday party which was a craft and an afternoon tea with ice cream sundaes. 


She’s helping her baby doll pet her dog lol


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