
We’ve been frequenting the skate park weekly and the boys got new trick scooters and are super into them. Last Wednesday Charlie had a collision with an other scooterer (not a word I know) and came running hip to me crying in pain. I take a look at his cheek and it’s like 5x the size. Luckily I had ice in my cup next to me and ibuprofen in the car for the swelling. I’ve never seen such insanity so quick. Poor guy, he was such a trooper. We got a smoothie then headed home. We avoided the ER and he was feeling ok the next day. He was left with a swollen eye/cheek for a couple of days. 

The before. 

Then that evening Charlie had his first soccer practice! Oh, we got me a new car. With a third row so I can actually drive kids around that aren’t mine! Worth it. 

I told the coach about his accident and asked if there would be balls flying towards his face. He assured me he would keep an eye on him and keep flying balls from his face. He had a fun practice! 


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