
Showing posts from May, 2018

All the babies

My parents are in town so of course they want to see all of their grand babies. Kels and I are chopped liver now! We were unsuccessfully trying to get the babies to nap and ended up with a cute picture op with all three babies in Mia’s crib. Today we went to a friends house for a play date and all the little 2 year olds are blonde and so cute. They all huddled around a little piano (there was food close by so maybe that had something to do with it) and they all tried to get their turn pushing the keys.  Babcia and jack watching a neighborhood cat chase a baby chipmunk... the chipmunk got away, don’t worry


The pools are open so it’s starting to feel like summer! Plus the hot weather helps with that summery-ness. We of course met Gigi at the pool yesterday and jack had a blast! We also got Charlie in the water a bit and he loved it too. Jack has battle wounds all over his knees and knuckles from falling in the pool. He didn’t seem to mind.  After the pool we went with Gigi and baba to their neighbors house for a wine party. They have a 2.5 year old so jack of course had so many toys/trucks to play with and there were a bunch of other kids. This ten year old named Clara took jack under her wing and the two were inseparable. It was so cute. At one point I went downstairs and he was sitting on her lap watching a movie. We even went back to the pool today... young pool rats in the making! Jack came out with the fire hat on and was saying “weeooo weeooo fire truck.” 

Tummy time

Charlie’s neck has become sooooo strong! He’s rocking the tummy time game. Doesn’t mean he likes it but he def puts in some work when I make him do it. As I said, he’s really close to rolling over. He loves sleeping on his side so I feel like once he’s able to roll to his tummy that’s where he will sleep... through the night 😂  Yesterday we went to a friends house to play then ended the day at the park behind the house. Charlie got to sit in the stroller again and loved it just as much as the first time. Jack has been enjoying the swings lately so he spent a good amount of time being pushed/drinking his milk. 

Double trouble

I tried out the double stroller the other day! Charlie loved it and was so precious and smiley the whole time. He really likes to be outside! Can’t blame him! We went to frying pan park again yesterday with a group of moms. Jack liked seeing all of the animals.  Charlie is really close to rolling over. He’s making new sounds lately, blowing bubbles and is laughing. He’s so stinking precious I can’t stand it. He’s giving me baby fever. Just kidding, mike.  Just noticed the pics didn’t upload in my last post. Agh this app is so bad!!  So helpful, thanks jack! 


Jack LOVES bubbles. I’ll need to get some actual bubble bath at some point so I don’t waste the body wash! We checked out another preachooo today... a much more affordable one. It seems great but I want Michael to come with me to see it since it’s such a big decision! The director said: “he seems sooo ready.” Mainly because he walked away from me to check the classroom out and didn’t look back 😢 he will need to be mostly potty trained before starting sooooo this summer we will have our work cut out for us! 


Haha recovery sounds dramatic. I’m just trying to feel better because the last week was rough for me. It is seriously so hard to be 100% for your babies/life in general when you feel barely at 40%. Not fun. I’m finally starting to feel better. I have been trying to just lay low and stay home so I can feel better. I did, however, take the babies to a birthday party yesterday. It was for my roommate from college’s two girls. It was at a gymnastics place and it was super hot and smelled of feet. Double win!! Erin, my friend, held Charlie for a while and so did her hubby. They have 4 kids but are both baby obsessed lol. Thanks guys!  Saturday night we went to Gigi/babas for dinner. Baba made a delicious fish stew! Gigi enforced tummy time and jack played with... trucks! We went to Kelsey’s for dinner on Sunday. We apparently just didn’t want to eat dinner at home this weekend.  *bear with me... this app completely stinks. I upload pictures/a blog and when I publish it, the picture...