
She saw the boys do it so obviously she had to try. 

Quinn goes to childcare while I have my moms group every other Friday. Kelsey goes to and Sarah so I get to hang with some of my fave ladies! 

Jack had a double ear infection and a ruptured ear drum. On the mend poor guy. This was like two weeeks ago 

Look at this girl. She’s covered in dirt 

Jack went to Ruby’s birthday party a couple of weeks ago and painted pottery. Once his medicine wore off to help with ear pain  he felt pretty miserable so we left early. 

I moved the couch out and we cleaned behind it and on the floor. Charlie said it was the best day ever lol 

Just water not coffee 

Mike working and Taylor’s husband out of town= dinner date! 

Another friend came over and alllll the kids got in the slack line 

Shopping with Kels and remi at our fave kid consignment store 

Found this adorable dress 

Back at Kelsey’s 

On our way to get jack! 


She likes to be wrapped up a certain way then gets mad she trips and can’t walk well. 


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