
Showing posts from August, 2018

Babcia date

As I mentioned, babcia took jack for a date at the mall. I took a nap. Thank you babcia! Oh yeah and Charlie slept through the night last night! So I got like 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep 🙌🏼 So excited and so serious 😂 Charlie was rolling around in his room and next thing I  know he’s under the dresser!


We’ve had a lot going on so I’m back from my blogging hiatus... for now. Where do I start...? Jack had a fever for about 5 days in a row and was an overall mess. Poor guy, we know he didn’t feel well but man it has been a week! Charlie got a little virus as well and a lovely rash showed up on Sunday night. Luckily his well visit was scheduled for Monday so of course I asked about it while we were there. Apparently rashes are normal in babies and it tells us a virus is on the way out of the body 🤷🏼‍♀️ otherwise, Charlie got a great report from the doctor. He weighs 18.8 pounds and is 26.7 inches tall (38 and 56 %tile). Soooo everyone that calls Charlie fat can stop because he’s just average lol. Last week mike started smelling something weird in the house and after lots of sniffing he discovered a mold/mildew problem in the wall in the dining room. We stayed with baba Sunday/Monday night so mike could take down the drywall and spray everything with bleach. It’s always something.  ...


Gahhhhh I hate when babies are sick. Jack had a little bit of a runny nose last weekend but around noon on Monday he was feeling HOT and he wasn’t really acting like himself. I took his temp and it was 103. Ummm what? I immediately got him some ibuprofen and was trying to push the liquids. Mike always tells me when a baby has a fever to strip them of all their clothes so that’s what I did. Poor baby I could tell he was not feeling well. I wanted to keep both babes happy so we went on an hour long walk around the neighborhood and neither babe made a peep (except jack narrating what color car was driving by)!  Both were in their diapers. Whatever! When we got back jack laid down on the couch and passed out. He never, ever passes out anywhere like that. He didn’t even want to take a bath. When I finally got him to bed (after bathing/caring for Charlie) he was so done and slept well. On Tuesday he seemed to be feeling better but around two he started to go down hill. He actually asked ...

Play dates, nature centers, birthday parties, oh my!

I had very little sleep Tuesday night (maybe 3 hours?) and a rough start to Wednesday. My dad was in town and he offered to come hang out/help with the boys. Thank you dad! He took jack to the Manassas battlefield and I got to nap while Charlie did. The week got better, thank goodness! We had a couple play dates and one included the nature center in Annandale which jack really liked. Jack is doing soooo much better sleeping at night, thank goodness. We lay him down, say good night and dip out. That’s it. Took us about a month! Charlie is so sweet and smiley and he laughs a lot! He and jack play together sometimes and obviously that’s adorable too. We went to a birthday party today and had a ball! Mike was working so I had both kids and man was it quite the task! Charlie was due for a nap like 30 minutes after we got there but he powered through. We walked there since it’s close and before we even got out of the street He was passed out! He went right to his crib and slept for nearly th...